Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Questions of Seven

The funny picture everyone's been waiting for.... me and Baby Wolf. I miss you, Baby Wolf. I'm glad you're happy where you are. 

1. Describe your perfect day.
Gosh- - - Sleep until I wake up naturally, eat biscuits with butter, go thrifting with my husband, eat lunch somewhere yummy, come home and lounge around the house. Watch some Dr. Who (Doctor number 10- David Tennant, naturally!) All while wearing something cute, of course!

2.What was something that you were afraid of as a child?
I'm still not convinced that chicken will not peck at my toes when they're outside of the blankets at night. I got flogged by a rooster at three years old and have been leery ever since. There's a reason I never feel bad about eating chicken.

3. What's something you're afraid of today?
Hello! Didn't you hear me about those chickens?! Okay.... I'm a still a little terrified of the dark. I want  need to be able to see. Actual fears and worries aren't the same. If I went into to worries I could rattle off a list.... but mostly, being a failure in one way or another: a failure at teaching, being a crappy wife, a stinky parent, a bad friend...ya know, failure.

4. Would you rather be obsessed with yourself or someone else?
I'm an only child. I'm already pretty obsessed with myself. Do you see the massive amount of photos of me on here? What is a personal blog but self obsession. Let's be honest, folks. I'm awesome. And aren't we all a little obsessed with ourselves?

5. What is a favorite restaurant that you could visit over and over and never get sick of?
La Margarita. I could eat chips and salsa until I was as fat as a hog. Their chips and salsa is the BOMB! So much better than any chain restaurant. Seriously.... soooooooo good!

6. What is one food you used to hate but now enjoy?
So many foods could be added to the list. Our family's traditional cranberry goop used to scare me but it's delicious! I made some good chicken noodle soup the other day. I used to only eat that with Cheetos in it. I like lasagna. I like pasta salad. I'm still not keen on Asian food though.... perhaps another decade I will enjoy it?

7. Fill in the blank: Star ________.
light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight.

Get your fashion on!


Unknown said...

Your perfect day sounds really nice! I love days like those


Anonymous said...

Cheetos are good on anything! You had great taste as a child :)

Amanda said...

Aww I love these! Your perfect day sounds pretty darn wonderful to me!

Anonymous said...

Cheetos? In chicken soup? I'll leave that to you! =] I'm pretty boring when it comes to Chinese food. Chicken and broccoli w/ brown rice or chicken/veggie lo mein. That's it.

Anonymous said...

I pretty much giggled the whole way through this. You're one funny gal!
And apparently our taste buds get worn down or are not as sensitive as they age or something which is why we are able to like more things now than we did when we were younger. So indeed, maybe you will like Asian food more 10 years from now!

Becca said...

Your perfect day sounds pretty nice as well!
Btw, don't we all have that fear of failing? Just yesterday a friend of mine was mentioning how fear is really sin... uh, oh for me... But thanks be to God who can help us overcome any fear we have. :)

Heather @ Cookies For Breakfast said...

OMG, that chicken bit is HILARIOUS!

Also, have we already discussed that I'm an only child too? I can't remember. But clearly that's why we love each other so much haha! :)

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