Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Social

Linking up with Neely and Ashley for Sunday Social

This Weeks Questions:

1. What is something you have wanted to do but are afraid of?
I'm not actually adventureous.... so it definitely wouldn't be a daring feat like jumping from a plane or something. Maybe something like find a lipstick that works for me. Or signing up for a month-to-month commitment with something like Birchbox or sponsoring someone's blog. Ooooh....or visiting another country. It's not an irrational fear. It's more of a financial concern/fear. I don't really have a brilliant answer for this.

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Being married to hubbalicious, of course. Quite possibly with our first and only little bundle of joy and maybe in a different, slightly larger home.


3. What are you looking forward to before the end of 2012?
I'm looking forward to Fall Break, Fall clothing, watching my firsties grow & learn, Halloween, decorating the spookhouse and scaring the crap outta people, working on growing my blog friends, watching Fall tv shows, and Christmas.

4. What are your hopes for your blog?
I enjoy sharing things that interest me. It makes me happy to actually have people read it! I hope it keeps growing and I hope I stay consistent in posting. (seems like the longer the school year goes the trickier it becomes...) I want to stay friends with the bloggy friend I've already made and I want to make MORE bloggy friends. Biggest hope & dream for this lil' blog is to reach 100 followers by the end of 2012.

5. Do you always see yourself living in your current town/city?
Haha.... if you'd asked me 8 years ago the answer would have been, "NO! I'm getting the heck out of here!" But I really love my hometown. I like the familiarity of my hometown. I like the proximity to our families. If you ask my husband - he wants to pack up and move to England. As much as I love all things British, that sounds terrifying. We'll see....

6. What is your morning routine?
7:15 ish - smack snooze on the alarm
7:20 ish - roll out of bed go to the restroom
7:25- check my facebook and email to see if I got new comments and take my daily meds (have to take them 30 minutes before I eat)
7:30 - pick out clothes and slowly get ready
8:10- out the door to be at work by 8:15
(I'm a nighttime shower person. That extra bit of sleep in the a.m. is just too valuable. Mornings are definitely NOT my strong point.)

Sunday Social

Get your fashion on!


Nadine said...

Ooh a move to England could be really fun! What an adventure to take together. Also, I'm surprised that I've read that so many other ladies are night time showerers. I am too and I always thought it was weird!

Unknown said...

I am also excited about decorating for fall Halloween fun time! Love that blog, I'll be back!

Jana Faith said...

Hey sweet Sarina, not sure you know, but you're a no reply blogger and that makes me have a sad face. I'm so glad you came to visit. Halloween is seriously the best...well, right after Valentine's, which I also love.

Unknown said...

ohhh i would so move to england in a heartbeat, no matter how much i love my family because a move to england would up my chances at being the Doctor's new companion and bring me even closer to winning over the heart of Benedict Cumberbatch

Anonymous said...

I would just like to visit, I have tons of family members in the UK. But my husbands anti traveling there! :) Sometimes its nice just to visit but oh yeah that would be neat to move there!
Fall clothes are just a swoon in itself!

momto8 said...

have fun!! I think I share many of the same blogging and yearly goals!!

Amanda English said...

I was just talking to my friend that I didn't think I belonged in my current state. Sometimes I think there is a spot in under the Tuscan Sun calling my name in a little villa. LOL xoxo

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